Selasa, 11 Maret 2014


I want to tell about my experience today, God, i feel embarassed... with innocent Iam speak loudly in front of class. I don’t know if my lecture Mrs. Karlimah stay at there. I say, hey guys are you want sakriuk serbu? It is my friend’s production! If you wont you can take it okay “I say is very luodly” and after this I sit beside her and speak loudly again with my friend.  I feel very embarssed God..
Certainly, I have some project with her so’ I must carefully if want say something, my attitude must be repair again. Bismillah. Must be better cauze Allah always look at all my activity.
Nevermind its the little part of my fault. Must be better, be the best for Allah all is well.
Right now I must believe to my self, I can do it bismillah
Start this night and day must doble fighting than yesterday. Ok Vir, keep bismillah.. optimalization of your potension... look around and Allah always be there....
Keep Positive!


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